Our 12 Steps & Traditions

A Step is a Personal Challenge = Acceptance + Action

A Tradition is a Collective Affirmation = Agreement  + Commitment

Our Culture is a Community = Authenticity + Accountability


I accept white supremacy is my problem & that I can do better.

Our purpose is to end white supremacy because we understand our liberation is dependent on the liberation of all people.


I acknowledge the harm that my white privilege causes & disrupt racist behaviors in healthy ways.

Our commitment is to end patterns of white supremacist violence in ourselves & society, in the pursuit of justice & healing.


I cultivate anti-racist awareness through active listening, self-reflection & participation in community-based solutions.

Our work is two-fold— personal growth & collective action. We take responsibility for healing our lineage in a racial affinity space, as well as engaging in social movements led by historically marginalized communities & people most impacted by white supremacy.


I commit to antiracism as a lifelong journey that gives me a purpose beyond self.

Our circle is an accessible & inclusive space to foster personal growth, intergenerational healing & collective wisdom. We help ourselves by helping each other.


I understand that white supremacy is racial capitalism & commit financial resources to help change the system.

Our funds are redistributed to the Reparations Circle, led by Black women. Taking collective economic action together in the form of reparations to the descendants of enslaved people is an essential step to repair harm & restore balance in our society.


I am willing to give up comfort, privilege & resources to rebalance the system, so we can all get free.

Our collective action supports community development that renders white supremacy obsolete. We center our common welfare because personal progress depends on our collective strength.


I honor the work of Black, Brown & Indigenous people & do not ask for more of their time & labor to continue my process.

Our activism amplifies the leadership of Black, Brown & Indigenous people in order to build multi-cultural coalitions for universal liberation. We engage with available learning materials & compensate all people fairly for their creative work & contributions of time, energy & expertise.


I am the white person I work on the most & maintain a personal wellness practice to create harmony & balance in my life.

Our authenticity is required to dismantle white supremacy from within. Vulnerability is necessary for growth. We value trust & honesty in our relationships.


I build relationships with integrity, taking responsibility for my actions & welcoming feedback to admit, correct & learn from my mistakes.

Our accountability is the balance of our intention with our impact. We participate in multi-cultural community spaces, open to input & guidance from others. Our movement is only as strong as our relationships.


I am ready to be a part of the solution, even when I do not have all the answers, & I remain open to an ever-evolving process.

Our curriculum is open-sourced because knowledge is power. Access to our resources are on a pay-what-you-can basis. No one is ever turned away for lack of funds. Paying monthly membership dues shows our commitment to economic justice.


I commit to sharing my skills & leadership with others as I learn & grow.

Our organization is sociocratic & leadership is open to all members. We create opportunities for each other to step up & step back, based on our collective needs.


I embody anti-oppressive culture & communicate these principles consciously in all thoughts, words & actions.

Our vision is to create a culture beyond white supremacy, a world based on universal liberation. In this work, we help each other discover what it means to feel free.

The 13th step is to begin again.